#1 Outdoor Advertising Agency in Mumbai |

Get your Brand Moving with Bus Advertising

We spend hours out of home for leisure or work. While travelling to and fro for work, we encounter multiple vehicles, but buses that carry some or other message are noticed more. Yes, these are appealing advertisements, moving and promoting a brand. 

Usually, buses run 10-18 hours a day, and that too for 7 days. Due to its ability to cover a larger area, it is one of the best mediums to advertise your brand. Then, why not use this bus for your advertising purposes?

What is bus advertising?

Bus advertising simply defines advertising, wherein the bus is a medium to convey messages to the targeted audience. This is the traditional method of advertising to help brands send their message to millions of people. Depending on what and how to promote, people still choose to use this medium as it is cost-effective. Bus advertisement allows brands to promote brand engagement, constantly showing the message that people might have already seen or heard. In Tier 1 cities like Mumbai, bus advertising is considered by renowned brands to promote their new campaigns.

Reasons to consider bus advertising

Reach Mobile Audience

With multiple buses running on different routes, they have the potential to cover a good geographical area. Due to the ability to cover long distances, the audience on these routes gets exposed to advertisements. Buses move from city to city and in such cases, the area covered is quite long and the message reaches distinct people.

Cost Effective Marketing

Bus advertisement agencies in Mumbai charge you the nominal prices. This allows even small businesses to make their brand popular amongst the people. Also, due to the frequency of buses, the cost invested is less and the return it gives is high. 

Targeting location-specific people

Bus advertisements are the best option when it comes to hyper-local campaigns. While a few buses cover short and long distances, they grab the attention of people on these routes. Due to this, targeting people from specific geographical locations becomes easy resulting in positive returns. Be it city or inter-city, it targets multiple locations.

Large Ads

Bus branding is a crucial factor contributing to the brand’s growth. These large ads cover the whole bus allowing the brand to communicate the message properly. 

Want to Grow Your Business? We can help you!

With a strong presence in Mumbai, Mumbai suburbs, Navi Mumbai, Thane, and Raigad, Telex can help you reach a wider audience. You can advertise your brands on short and long routes and take advantage of bus advertisements in Mumbai or any targeted area. 

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