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Get Your Brand Rolling with AC and Non-AC Bus Advertising in Mumbai

Mumbai’s AC and non-AC buses are a popular and reliable transit option. Whether you are running errands, commuting for daily work, or simply moving from one place to another, buses have the potential to reach large and diverse audiences. Brands today make a smart choice by making their message visible with the help of AC and

Benefits of AC Bus Advertising

Reaching a Targeted Audience

AC bus advertising typically caters to a slightly wealthier demographic with a higher disposable income.

Comfortable Environment

Passengers are relaxed and receptive to advertising in a cool and comfortable environment.

Extended Exposure

Targeted audiences traveling via AC buses get exposed to the advertisement for a longer period. People often use AC buses for long-distance traveling, and hence, your brand has extended views, resulting in brand recall.

Benefits of Non-AC Bus Advertising

Wider Reach

Non-AC bus advertising targets audiences who travel short distances. Multiple people board the buses, allowing you to tap into people from diverse demographics and backgrounds.


Non-AC bus advertising is generally a more affordable option for inter-city travel. As compared to other options, this can is more cost-effective and beneficial.

Frequent Exposure

Passengers on non-AC buses may have short commutes, but constant displays become an integral part of their daily journeys.

Want to target the audience in the lanes of Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai?

Our Latest Campaign

Travel on the Streets

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AC and Non-AC Bus Advertising