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Radio and TV advertising - Broadcast Your Brand to the World

Radio Advertising

Radio ads are one of the oldest advertising medium even before any other form existed. It was believed that the existence would end with the boom in technology. Though, people have moved to other means of communication, at least 300 million people even today tune in every day. 

Whether you’re driving or jogging, people utilise their time and join the on-air stations. This helps to connect the youth and middle-aged group. Due to being cost cost-effective medium, one can target people from various demographics, economic status and leave a direct message.

TV Commercial Advertising

TV Commercial ads have the advantage of communicating with millions of people in one go. This medium allows brands to communicate via visuals and audio. At least more than 1.5 trillion people enjoy the shows, movies, news, and sports on Television. Television Commercial ads can attract attention, add sight, sound, and emotion to products and services, and motivate the audience to take action. 

Why Choose TV Commercial Ads/Radio Advertising?

Massive Reach

Tap into the vast audience of TV and radio listeners.

Targeted Campaigns

Tailor your ads to specific demographics, times, and channels.

High Engagement

Engage with audiences who trust and regularly consume broadcast media.

Multisensory Impact

Utilise both visual and auditory elements to create a memorable brand presence.

Telex stands as a trusted name in the realm of TV commercial and radio advertising agencies. Our mission is simple: to empower businesses to reach millions effortlessly. Recognising the pivotal role affordability plays in advertising, we provide cost-effective solutions tailored to suit your needs. With our expertise, we enable you to effectively connect with your audience through affordable TV and radio advertising, ensuring your message resonates loud and clear.

Looking to identify the best channels and time slots to maximise your ad’s visibility and impact?

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