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Train Branding and Advertising

Aamchi Mumbai’s Shaan – Local train plays a crucial role in the lives of people and in advertising too. This is a medium to travel to and fro and for advertising. Yes, this is a traditional method of advertising, yet is a successful way to increase the visibility of a brand. 

Commuters who travel via AC local trains or local trains can come across Train station advertisements. These advertisements are nothing but a way to convey their message to the targeted audience. Such a type of branding advertisement helps to catch the eyeballs of people and is a cost-effective method. 

Telex believes train branding and advertising go hand in hand. Young, old, students, professionals, women, men, and every type of person travel by train. Your products, services, or schemes can be effectively brought before people through Train advertising services that allow you to stand apart from your competitors. We do provide personalized creative designs and target the audience with a special touch. 

Benefits of Auto Rickshaw Advertising

Highly Effective

When it comes to railway station advertising cost as compared to other mediums, it is likely cost-effective. One can choose this solution as it targets the right audience within a minimum time.

Extensive Reach

As this medium reaches most people, it has the intensity to cover the wide masses. There is a thin line between train advertising and train branding. While train advertising covers internal marketing, railway station advertising defines the ads that are displayed on the platforms and visible to every person moving.

Targeted Impact

Tailor your campaign to specific demographics by selecting prime locations. Connect with your audience precisely where it matters, creating maximum impact.

Why Choose Telex for Train Branding and Advertising?

We at Telex understand the difference between the train’s internal and external branding. We conduct strong research to understand the targeted people. Also, the type of advertisement that we do in both conditions is different. 

Why Should you Consider this Train and Branding Advertising?

Similar to digital ads, these advertisements are not easy to skip. Also, this grabs the eyeballs of every person continuously. 

Railway station advertisements repeatedly display your message. There is no way or manner that these hoardings are missed or not noticed due to being placed strategically.

One doesn’t have to be convenient with lots of messages. A simple tagline and playful graphics do all that you need. 

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